Academic and Career Coaching
As someone who has worked in the nonprofit sector and the museum world and then transitioned back into academia and then moved between academic programs and then back out of academia and into the tech sector, I have significant institutional knowledge and a wide range of experiences in a variety of institutional settings.
For academics: If you’re on the fence about how or if to proceed with your degree, if you don't have your degree yet but want to explore the world outside the academic job market, if you already have your degree but are considering a change, if you aren’t sure what skills or experiences make you marketable outside the academy, if you’re simply curious about what kinds of jobs are out there, or if you want to better understand the tech landscape and how to apply for and get work that feels sustainable and personally meaningful, I can help.
For non-academics: If you're looking to change your career but don't know where to start, if you need to practice interviewing for an upcoming opportunity, if you are looking to negotiate a job offer, if you want to build your leadership or communication skills, or if you are just looking to update your resume and cover letter, I can help.
I've helped hundreds of people navigate the process of leaving academia for new careers in a wide range of fields - from tech to curatorial work to finance to government posts - and I've coached dozens more in successful job searches all over the United States and Canada.
My experience consulting began over 10 years ago coaching grad students and faculty through researching, organizing, writing, editing, filing and publishing their dissertations, articles and book projects. I now primarily help graduate students and faculty navigate leaving academia and the non-academic job market, from resume development to deciphering job descriptions to interview practice. I also provide career and coaching services to non-academics, and have helped hundreds of people change careers, get raises, negotiate job offers, and more.
I received a BA in Art History from UC Santa Cruz and then took a detour into the museum world and non-profit sector. Returning to school, I received an MA in Art History from UCLA and then transferred to the Comparative Literature program where I received a second MA, advanced to candidacy, and began work on a dissertation before deciding to leave the academy altogether. I'm currently a Program Manager at Google working on various internal and external educational initiatives.

Know you need a change but don't know where to start? Whether you are a grad student considering quitting grad school, a newly minted PhD on the job market, a tenured faculty member considering a career change, or a non-academic curious about moving into a new industry or role, I can help. I will work with you to better understand your options, to kickstart your job search, to identify your own strengths and skills, and to understand how best to market them.
I also offer help building a sustainable and effective job search process, interview practice and feedback, and general coaching on transitioning to a new industry.
Initial consultation required.
$240 per hour, 1 hour minimum.

You know that crafting a polished, professional resume targeted to a specific job description is the key to landing a great job, but do you know where to start? Do you have an academic CV but are not sure how to transform it into a resume? Do you have a resume that isn't getting traction? I will help you understand what makes your skills and experiences marketable and will work with you step-by-step to create a resume for the job you really want.
Initial consultation required
425-650 depending on the level of support requested - contact for a quote
Have a job in mind to which you are ready to apply, but not sure how to create the perfect application? Do you have a draft of a resume or cover letter but have no idea if it will be effective in getting you an interview? I can work with you to edit and polish your job materials to ensure that your application is competitive.
Initial consultation required in most cases.
~$200 per document, depending on complexity. Contact me for a quote.

I partner with the folks at The Professor Is In to offer regular webinars on post-academic topics like: how to structure a job search, how to read and interpret job descriptions, how to write an effective resume and tailor it for a specific job, how to write an outstanding cover letter, and more.
Past courses:
Converting Your CV to a Resume: A Hands On Workshop (available for on-demand purchase)
Deciphering the Non-Academic Job Ad (available for on-demand purchase)
A Quitter's Guide to the Non-Academic Job Search (available for on-demand purchase)

All services first require a $100 30 minute initial consultation. Please submit this form and we'll get back to you within 24 hours for scheduling and next steps.